Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jonah: Blindfold

Everyone loves a good story. One of the best known tales in all the Bible is that of Jonah. But is it just a big fish tale that we learned growing up or is there more to it? Are there greater insights to be gleaned than a big fish swallowed a little man? We began answering those questions during our Gathering this morning. Jonah, in essence, put on a blindfold in the hopes that if God was out of sight he would be out of mind. In the midst of his running from God, he finds himself in the middle of sailors who desperately need to hear about the love of God. Unfortunately, Jonah was silent. Do you ever find yourself in that kind of position - surrounded by people who need to hear the message of the Gospel - and yet you're silent? Why do we do that? Why do we often avoid the situations God puts in front of us daily?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Time to Throw in the Towel

The clock is ticking down toward the crucifixion. Jesus gathers his disciples around him to teach them one last, profound message. John 13 records the washing of the disciples' feet by Jesus. Our focus yesterday was on this phrase: "and having loved them, he now showed them the full extent of his love." In the context of this passage, Jesus connects love with servanthood. In other words, you really haven't loved someone fully until you are willing to serve them.

What is it about serving others that is most difficult for us? Is it that we are lazy? Do we struggle with time management? Do we not understand kingdom values? Is it pride? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about why there seems to be a gulf between knowing and doing!