Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Thoughts from KALEIDE

Hey everybody, our amazing WORSHIPCULTIVATOR, Karen Vincent sent in her thoughts on this weekend's KALEIDE event, check them out:

"I had a great experience going through the time of spiritual exploration at the Kaleide event. Some of the exercises I had done before, and some were new to me. The most significant moment was during my time of communion. I’ve probably taken communion over a thousand times during my life, but this time it felt more personal. I could hear Jesus urging me, “Karen, take the cup! It’s for you. Everything I sacrificed for and everything I have to offer is for you, today, at this moment.”

After completing the journey, I walked past the place where I had my time of centering prayer. I was reminded of the one word that came to me earlier - empty. I had felt empty and dry, in need of something - anything from God. Again I felt like God spoke to me and told me that I no longer needed to feel empty. He had now filled me with His mercy, grace, and presence. I had just drank from His cup and was now filled.

Overall this whole experience reminded me that when I choose to set aside time for God, He is there, waiting for me. He actually desires to communicate with me. I just need to make room in my life so that He has the opportunity.

I’d love to hear from others of you about your experience at Kaleide and how it impacted you."