Monday, October 23, 2006

The J Factor

In 2005, over 400 million boxes of Jell-O were sold around the world! That's 400 million boxes of glutinous animal bone, skin and connective tissue with food coloring and sugar! No wonder the classic southern congealed salad (fruit cocktail suspended in gelatin) is as unappetizing as its name!

But lets face it. Not only do we eat lots of Jell-O, Jell-O is what we do! Put us in various situations and more often then not we conform to our surroundings. Why is it that we find ourselves "conforming to the world" so often in our lives? How can we better obey Paul's command to not be conformed to the world's system?

1 comment:

Ben Jumper said...

It's so easy to fit in. It's human nature; we want to fit in. But fitting in doesn't get you anywhere if noone's leading. That's why we need to have God lead our lives and spread the Good News.