Monday, December 04, 2006

'Tis the Season...for Stress

The humorous story is told of the young lad who in singing the classic Christmas song Silent Night, insisted on ending the chorus with "sleep in heavenly beans." His sister, tired or hearing him goof up the song, elbowed him one day and said, "It's heavenly peas not heavenly beans, silly!" The way many of us feel by the time Christmas arrives, the song might just as well end with beans or peas instead of peace which is the promise of the season. The reality is that in the frantic rush to get everything done the peace and reason for the season often eludes us.

What causes you the greatest stress during the holiday season? Is it the hectic schedule, the gift-giving or maybe the relation challenges? Perhaps we can dialogue as a community of faith about how to make the holiday season one that focuses on "the most important thing!"

1 comment:

CrossPointeDave said...

Great observations! I've often wondered about how pleased God is with the spectacle we have made of his birth. I agree that our agenda must be far different then His. I can tell you for my family, this year will be way more about giving ourselves relationally to people in need than about gifts for ourselves.