Psalm 131: Like a Child in the Lord’s Arms There are a lot of ways you can pray Scripture but the tradition of Lectio Divina uses the following four phases, these are the ones used in the classical Benedictine model established in the sixth century. Lectio offers a natural flow from one phase to the next rather than a lock-step march.Phase One - Lectio: reading What does the text say?TURN to the text and read it several times slowly, gently, out loud. Savor the reading, feel the words in your mouth, listening for the “still, small voice” of a particular word or phrase that says, “I am for you today.”
Phase Two - Meditatio: meditation What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life?TAKE the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. Images are not necessarily distractions, but invitations into dialogue with God.
Phase Three - Oratio: prayer What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text?SPEAK to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Experience this God-breathed word or phrase as a means to bless and transform the thoughts and images that God’ Word has awakened in you. Give to God
what you have found in your heart.Phase Four - Contemplatio: contemplationBeing still, resting in God’s presence, and letting God work through your mind and heart. REST for 10 minutes in God’s embrace. Let go of words and images. Rejoice that God is with you in silence, spiritual rest, and inner receptivity.
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