Monday, January 29, 2007


Why does God do some of the things He does? How come He allows storms to come into our lives? What is the purpose of these storms? IS there a purpose in the storms? Have you ever found yourself in that place where you think, "If I get one more trial, one more storm in my life, I'm going down for the count." At times like that, we tend to become doubters. We doubt God's attentiveness to our situation. We doubt our relationship with Him. We even doubt his desire to intervene in our situation. What part have storms played in your maturing in faith?

1 comment:

Ben Jumper said...

Someone once said, "The best way to prove a fool a fool is to let him have his way."

We as humans always think that we know the best way to live; we think we have all the answers. Then when something good happens, we take all the credit.

I think God does "bad things to good people" to remind us that He's the one in charge; He's the one with all the answers. It's his way of slapping us in the face and saying, "Pull yourself together!"

At least, it works on me.