Sunday, February 18, 2007


We were warned today, from our passage in Colossians, about the dangers of drifting spiritually. We all understand the concept of drift in a nautical sense. The ship's sails are down, the boat's oars are out of the water and the vessel's anchor is firmly aboard. The boat is drifting. Do you ever find yourself in a similar place in your spiritual journey? Do you ever sense that you have drifted further and further away from God? What have you done to arrest that drift? What has God taught you about spiritual drift in your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sermon really spoke to me as I've noticed myself drifting as life gets busier and busier. And the more I just sit back and "go with the flow," the more the ways of the world seem to replace the ways of God as influences on my life. Seeing my faith and the things I do to grow in faith as an anchor was a great analogy.
This blog is an awesome idea and I really hope everyone starts sharing thoughts!