Monday, September 24, 2007

Spiritual Graffiti

Our focus Sunday was on the power of passion. The word passion has its Latin roots in the word passio which means suffering. As someone passionate about Notre Dame football, I can attest to the connection between passion and pain (for those of you who don't follow college football, the once mighty Fighting Irish have begun the 2007 campaign with four consecutive losses for the first time in their storied history).

I'm interested in your reactions to the power of passion and our model of discipleship summed up in the phrase, be one, make one, for one. Do you connect with the phrase and the accompanying concept of personal responsibility in fulfilling Christ's command to make disciples? Did you participate in the graffiti experience at the end of the Gathering? Did it connect with you? What challenges to you foresee in fulfilling the covenant you made on Sunday?

1 comment:

Cathy Hutchison said...

It was so powerful to see all of the names on the wall of the people we are praying for. Very, very cool.