Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Time Travelers

Our lives seem to have a common refrain, "I'm so busy!" Author and Pastor Mark Batterson suggests that we wear it like a badge around our neck with no small degree of pride. As if our exhaustion were a trophy and our ability to withstand stress as a mark of real character.

Our challenge Sunday was about creating some space in our lives for "mindful breaths." We spoke of creating margin by observing the 6:1 rhythm of God's creation -six days of work with one day of rest. We also talked about the importance of putting first things first in our lives and creating some sacred space in which God can do some unexpected things.

What are the greatest challenges you face in godly time management? Do you even struggle with creating space in your life? How can the church assist you in that process or is the church part of the problem?


Cathy Hutchison said...

And so, after I left the service on Sunday where we talked about margin, I had to run to do the grocery shopping and ran into someone else from church.

Why were we squeezing in grocery shopping on Sunday?

Because we have no margin....sigh. Still working on this one.

CrossPointeDave said...

I talked with someone Sunday after church about their need to go home and do yard work that afternoon!