Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This past Sunday, Pastor Dave shared a simple equation...or not so simple if physics isn't your thing:

P = MV2; momentum equals mass times velocity squared.

Momentum is what gives us impact; in our case, impact within our community.

Mass refers not to size or volume, but rather weight and density. One of our BHAG's is to double our worship attendance; not for the sake of increasing our volume/size, but to give more weight to what we do, to create a greater impact.

Velocity, as Pastor Dave shared, is speed with direction. In our case the direction is our vision statement:

Thru imaginative design create relational learning environments and strategic Missional partnerships to lead everyone to their full potential in Christ.

So the question of the week is: If our vision provides the direction for velocity, what provides the speed?

Thoughts anyone?

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