Monday, January 07, 2008

Pure, Fresh and Simple

Pure, fresh and simple are in. AquaFina knows this. Papa John’s knows this. Apple knows this. Today I shared with you how Jesus set the example of how the church should be pure, fresh, and simple. He condensed all of the law and the work of the church into two statements: the Great Commandment, and the Great Commission. These are reflected in our mission statement: “To move everyone toward loving God, loving others and living out loud.” In reflecting on the mission statement, which do you feel will be the most difficult for you in 2008: loving God, loving others, or living out loud (fulfilling the Great Commission).?

1 comment:

lownote67 said...

I think that loving others is going to be the challenge for me. There are people I just don't like, yet I need to love them as Jesus did. Quite the paradox!