Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Bucket List

Today's movie, The Bucket List, is a story of two terminally ill men who decide to seize the time they have left by writing out a "bucket list"; a list of all the things they want to do before they die. The movie is a powerful lesson on determining what's really important in life.

This morning, we created our own bucket lists and then discussed some questions based on our passage today, in which the Apostle Paul enocouages us to never pass up an opporunity to do good.

Question: How did today's passage alter your "bucket list", or did it?


Anonymous said...

It was interesting to me how many people had certain places they wanted to visit as important items on their "bucket list."

It made me think about "Exploring" as part of our Imago Dei.

lownote67 said...

That's an awesome thought Cathy! I hadn't considered that, but exploring would certainly tie into our creative side wouldn't it?