Monday, July 14, 2008

Uganda Part Two

Greetings once again from Uganda! The team continues to plod ahead with our mission having now personally visited with 206 students in over 70 schools. Only 70 more in roughly 30 schools. We are thankful for your many prayers and we can certainly feel them.

Our recent days have been filled by visits to students around the Kampala area. We continue to be impressed with the quality of our students and the progress they are making. We have been treated as honored guests in each and every school. Danielle and Angie are doing an awesome job! They seem to continually where a huge smile.

On Friday we visited at the school where the entire project began. Bright Futures Primary School began with 14 students and is now quadrupled. We were literally swarmed, then swamped with kids hugging us and pulling us toward their school. I have some amazing photos and video of the day. I've never seen Angie and Danielle smile so big! We celebrated with large pepperoni pizzas at the local takeout place owned by a nice Lebanese man. It was some of the best food we've had since arriving.

Saturday was a full day as we met 125 students at the church for what they call Saturday school. They performed song and dance for us as well as preaching and public speaking. Wayne's sponsor child, Jonathan, was the MC for the event. He was outstanding! We then took six of the kids who had performed at the top of their class last semester out for lunch and a trip to the zoo. The highlight of the lunch time was the excitement of the kids as they rode the escalator up to the food court in the mall. None of the kids had ever been to the mall or ridden on an escalator. I wish you could have seen their faces when they encountered the animals at the zoo! Their eyes were wide and they took everything in. What a day! We finished our day with dinner at a real Turkish restaurant!

Sunday was a day filled with worship and teaching. The girls were able to experience their first Ugandan worship service complete with 90 minutes of praise and worship along with traditional dance! All that before I got up to preach for an hour! I was especially proud of Angie who was drafted into the Children's Program on short notice to teach the lesson. From all accounts, she did a great job!

We miss you all! Keep praying for us!


Chris W said...

I have to say that Angie is the perfect person to do short notice things with kids. She is truly gifted at relating to their needs and even better at instructing them in God's Word. Angie, You ROCK!

lownote67 said...

Stay safe! You are all missed and we are stoked to hear about what happened on this journey!