Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Ignite Kaleide Event

At least once a quarter, Crosspointe cancels regular services and instead of coming to the church to be blessed, we go out and bless the community.   Since David-the-Artist-Pastor has been teaching the past several weeks on the life of John-the-Baptist being a light life that ignites others, Magical-David-and-Kylie came up with the idea to make this Kaleide event about blessing firefighters.

So this morning, we met at the parking lot of Killian Middle School and prayed together, then set out into the community with hams and steaming dishes in hand.

I love this concept of blessing.  In fact, I was trying to think of a different word to use in this post, and just couldn't find one.   So, blessing it is!  Anyway, it was really great to "bless" people with a meal who serve our community. And as it turned out, they blessed us by giving us a glimpse of a life we'd heard about, but never really get to see.

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