Saturday, April 03, 2010

Glimpse into a Journey Team

Crosspointe meets in smaller groups throughout the week called "Journey Teams." John and I (pictured left) happen to belong to Oxygen which meets every other Friday night in Carrollton.

Last night, we began by talking about Palm Sunday's gathering. David--our pastor--had taught about the passage where Mary breaks open an alabaster jar and pours it on Jesus. Each person in the group shared the unique things they got out of the teaching and we shared different ideas and asked questions.  One of the things that struck all of us was how the scent filled the room as Pastor Dave went around and anointed each person with the oil. (Pastor Dave frequently uses very practical visuals to illustrate.)

We talked about some needs in our congregation and made plans to help. We prayed for our church.

In Oxygen we always share a meal together and last night Holly cooked. Over dinner conversation ranged from the practical (like Sheila's upcoming garage sale and DeAnn sharing aromatherapy tips) to the abstract (like the giraffe that stuck it's head in Vicki's sunroof at Fossil Rim or John suggesting she upload the video of that to YouTube which launched us all watching the Evolution of Dance).

The best part of journey teams is that they create community at a closer level than you can get on a Sunday morning.  And the best part is there are a variety to choose from that meet in different places and times.

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