- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Friday, April 01, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Eight
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Eight
The Rule of Life will be introduced to us as we study the first Christian community. The word rule comes from the greek for “trellis.” A trellis is a tool that enables a grapevine to get off the ground and grow upward, becoming more fruitful and productive. In the same way, a Rule of Life is a trellis that helps us abide in Christ and become more fruitful spiritually.
- Acts 2:42-47
- Based on this one passage, how would you describe their Rule of Life? Describe the activities/disciplines they use to grow and mature in Christ.
Parker Palmer, in his book A Hidden Wholeness, uses the image of farmers in the midwest who would prepare for blizzards by tying a rope from the back door of their house out to their barn as a guide to ensure they could return safely home in the middle of the blizzards that came quickly and fiercely during the winter. If the farmers failed to make that line or would lose contact with that line during a blizzard, it often had devastating consequences. Some froze within feet of their own front door, never realizing how close they were to safety. In your journaling, consider these questions:
- What is the nature of your blizzard right now?
- What contributes to your blizzard? What does it look like? Feel like?
- What does the blizzard obscure? What gets lost?
- You need a rope to keep you connected to God. Notice that every rope is actually made up of a series of smaller, intertwined threads. What threads do you want to make up your rope (rule of life)?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Eight
Monday, March 28, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Eight
Hear Him
Prayer Focus: How does understanding the New Covenant of grace change the focus of your fast? As you pray and seek after God, let His be the loudest voice you hear.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, March 25, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Seven
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week Seven
1. Raise your open hands to shoulder height (the traditional Hebraic prayer posture). Loosely hold them there as you take several long, slow breaths, opening your trust of God through all that is given.
2. Share the praise of one of the Psalms, such as 145 or 148, keeping your hands raised if it feels right to you as you speak, chant or listen to it.
3. Now remain in silence for about 10 minutes. As anything comes to mind, simply say, "thank you, God," and gently release it. Let this be your response to absolutely everything that appears to your consciousness, including judgments, images, resistance, confusion, sin, thoughts and sounds. Do not try for anything to come. Just be present in open appreciation of God in all that does come.
You may wish to close your time by singing a simple song of praise, such as an "Alleluia."
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Seven
According to Martin Buber, the great Jewish theologian, we treat people as an “it” when we use them as means to an end or as objects. We treat people as a “thou” when we recognize each person as a separate human being made in God’s image and treat them with dignity and respect.
- Luke 10:25-37
- If you were the priest or Levite, what are some of the reasons you may have passed by this man and treated him as an “it” and not a “thou?”
- What did the Samaritan see and feel that the priest and Levite did not?
- Can you think of a time when you were seen in a negative light, or treated as inferior, or passed over as invisible? How did it feel?
- Who have you been taught not to see or to treat as an “it?”
One way of growing in the area of loving others well, and treating ourselves and others as a “thou” is to understand how we manage our expectations in relationships. Expectations are assumptions about what someone should do. Every time I make an assumption about someone without checking it out, it is likely I am treating them as an “it” and not a “thou.” The problem with most expectations is that they are:
- unconscious - those we are not even aware of until we are disappointed by someone
- unrealistic - developed by watching TV, movies, or other people/resources that give false impressions
- unspoken - ones we never told our spouse, friend, or employee and yet we expect and are angry when our expectations are not met
- un-agreed upon - our own thoughts about what was expected that were never agreed upon by the other person
- What steps can you take to make the expectations conscious, spoken, realistic and agreed upon so that you are relating in an “I-thou” way?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Seven
Monday, March 21, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Seven
Fervent Prayer
Fervency speaks to our level of intensity, passion, and persistence. Many times, we can lose our passion in prayer or stop praying for certain things altogether because we lose heart or give up. But God invites us to keep them before Him and trust Him for an answer in His time (Matthew 7:7–11).
The Old Testament prophet Elijah practiced a lifestyle of fervent, intense prayer and witnessed incredible miracles in his lifetime. In the book of Kings, the story is told of a woman whose only son became ill and died (1 Kings 17:17– 24). When Elijah heard the news, he quickly took action and did what he knew best—he fervently cried out to God. Elijah fully believed that God could bring the boy back to life, and he prayed not just once but three times that the boy’s soul would return to him. He prayed fervently and repeatedly and he wasn’t going to give up. This was the result: “Then the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived” (verse 22).
Elijah’s prayer was answered through his persistence and fervency. God hears your prayers as well and will bring an answer in His perfect timing. But don’t be discouraged or disheartened if the answer takes time to arrive or is not exactly what you expected. Commit to praying to God with passion and persistence, trusting the answer will come in God’s perfect way at the perfect time.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, March 18, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Six
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week Six
For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.
2 Corinthians 1:20
"Presence is experienced in a participative way, outside the mind. The mind by nature is intent on judging, controlling, and analyzing instead of seeing, tasting, and loving. This is exactly why it cannot be present or live in the naked now. The mind wants a job and loves to process things. The key to stopping this game is quite simply, peace, silence, or stillness."
2. Sit in a comfortable position. Silently say a prayer - ask God to open your eyes to the world around you.
3. For 10 minutes, simply watch as people pass around you. Note your thoughts as you see them.
Do you make immediate judgements about them ("Wow, he's fat." "She is so ugly." "That's a hideous outfit.")?Or, are you able to accept them as they are, children of a God who loves them? Are you able to say "Yes" to their presence and existence?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Six
After being forcibly removed from his country and home, Daniel was given a prestigious education and high-level job in government. The pressure on him to conform to the pagan values of Babylon was great. Our text gives us insight into one of the secrets of his faithful devotion to God.
- Daniel 6:6-10
- How do you think this practice anchored Daniel in God and enabled him to resist the great pressure he was facing?
- What costs were involved for Daniel?
- What are the greatest obstacles preventing you from stopping to be with God two or three times a day?
- What questions, concerns or fears do you have that keep you from making this practice a part of your weekly rhythm?
- What are some steps you can take to begin to incorporate more time between you and God?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Six
Monday, March 14, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Six
The Spirit Is Willing
The good news is that we don’t have to rely on our own strength to make right decisions. We don’t have to be dominated by our sinful nature and end up doing the things we don’t want to do. But the only way we can live this kind of life is by yielding to the Holy Spirit and relying on the strength of Jesus Christ, not our own.
When we’re facing struggles, we must rely on God’s power alive within us through the Holy Spirit. When we are born again, the Holy Spirit resides in us and places in us the desire to do what is pleasing to God (Hebrews 10:16). The Holy Spirit always wants to do what is right and to uphold the perfect will of God, pleasing the Father in every way.
Prayer Focus: Are there areas in your life causing an internal struggle? Make a decision today to yield to the Holy Spirit and lean on His strength, not your own, and to overcome obstacles of sin and selfishness in your life. Surrender and release those areas to God, knowing He will help you.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, March 11, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Five
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Five
The end of Jesus’ vibrant, popular, earthly life and ministry appeared to be an enormous loss to his disciples and followers. In this passage we will observe two very different approaches to that loss - the apostle Peter and Jesus.
- Matthew 26:31-44
Here is a list of common defenses we often use to protect ourself from grief and loss: denial, minimizing (admitting the loss but in such a way that it appears less serious than it actually is), blaming others or God, “over-spiritualizing,” blaming yourself, rationalizing (offering excuses and justification), intellectualizing (giving analysis and theories to avoid personal awareness or difficult feelings), distracting, becoming hostile and medicating (addictions).
- Which defenses does Peter appear to use?
- What defenses to you tend to use when dealing with loss and setbacks, and why?
Divide your journal into three columns (the far left being small, the other two equally sized) vertically and five equal sections horizontally. In the top left box write Ages 3-12, then label each box descending 13-18, 19-25, 25-40 and 40 and older, respectively.
In the first box to the right in each age range, write down any significant losses/disappointments you experienced. In the last box to the left in each age range, write down your response at that time. Do the same for each age range as you work down the page.
- What was the experience of filling out the chart like for you?
- Did it reveal anything new to you? Explain.
- Are there any losses you have not yet embraced where new life is waiting to be birthed?
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Five
Psalm 63: Longing for God
There are a lot of ways you can pray Scripture but the tradition of Lectio Divina uses the following four phases, these are the ones used in the classical Benedictine model established in the sixth century. Lectio offers a natural flow from one phase to the next rather than a lock-step march.
Phase One - Lectio: reading
What does the text say?
TURN to the text and read it several times slowly, gently, out loud. Savor the reading, feel the words in your mouth, listening for the “still, small voice” of a particular word or phrase that says, “I am for you today.”
Phase Two - Meditatio: meditation
What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life?
TAKE the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. Images are not necessarily distractions, but invitations into dialogue with God.
Phase Three - Oratio: prayer
What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text?
SPEAK to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Experience this God-breathed word or phrase as a means to bless and transform the thoughts and images that God’ Word has awakened in you. Give to God what you have found in your heart.
Phase Four - Contemplatio: contemplation
Being still, resting in God’s presence, and letting God work through your mind and heart.
REST for 10 minutes in God’s embrace. Let go of words and images. Rejoice that God is with you in silence, spiritual rest, and inner receptivity.
Monday, March 07, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Five
When Grace Comes Down
There is no need to wonder about what God is like or would say, because to know Him, we have only to look at Jesus. In Jesus we have received grace, but there is even something more we have received: truth. The kind of truth John spoke of in today’s scripture is not a list of laws and rules such as were given to Moses. Make no mistake—the revelation of God through the word of the Law was glorious. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai after receiving the ten commandments, his face shone so brightly with the glory of God that he had to wear a veil (Exodus 34:33-35). But the word of the Law cannot compare with the word of life that has been revealed through Jesus Christ!
In John 1:18 we learn that no one, not even Moses, has ever seen God. But Jesus has not only seen God—He is God. The truth that John was speaking about is a clear and unveiled vision of the true nature of God.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, March 04, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Four
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week Four
2. Sitting comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly, and silently introduce the sacred word as the symbol of your consent to God's presence and action within.
3. When you become aware of thoughts, return ever-so-gently to the sacred word.
4. At the end of the 10 minute prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Four
Abraham, in his earthly pilgrimage with God, appears to go through a number of Walls. His greatest one, however, comes when God asks him to do the unthinkable - to kill his only son Isaac.
- Genesis 22:1-14
- How would you hear the words in verse 2?
- What aspects of “the dark night” might be tormenting Abraham’s soul as he sought to be obedient to God?
- In light of the story, how is your image of God challenged?
When God takes us through a Wall, we are changed. The following are four primary characteristics of life found on the other side of the Wall.
- Greater Level of Brokenness
- Greater Appreciation for Holy Unknowing (Mystery)
- A Deeper Ability to Wait on God
- A Greater Detachment (from the world)
-- adapted from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workbook by Peter Scazzero
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Four
Psalm 46: Be Still and Know
There are a lot of ways you can pray Scripture but the tradition of Lectio Divina uses the following four phases, these are the ones used in the classical Benedictine model established in the sixth century. Lectio offers a natural flow from one phase to the next rather than a lock-step march.
Phase One - Lectio: reading
What does the text say?
TURN to the text and read it several times slowly, gently, out loud. Savor the reading, feel the words in your mouth, listening for the “still, small voice” of a particular word or phrase that says, “I am for you today.”
Phase Two - Meditatio: meditation
What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life?
TAKE the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. Images are not necessarily distractions, but invitations into dialogue with God.
Phase Three - Oratio: prayer
What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text?
SPEAK to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Experience this God-breathed word or phrase as a means to bless and transform the thoughts and images that God’ Word has awakened in you. Give to God what you have found in your heart.
Phase Four - Contemplatio: contemplation
Being still, resting in God’s presence, and letting God work through your mind and heart.
REST for 10 minutes in God’s embrace. Let go of words and images. Rejoice that God is with you in silence, spiritual rest, and inner receptivity.
Monday, February 28, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Four
Agreement with the Will of God
In the heart of every believer is the desire to walk closely with God. We know that He, too, desires a close relationship with each one of us. A key to having a strong level of spiritual intimacy with God is living in agreement with His will for your life.
In Genesis 5:22, we read of Enoch and see that his life modeled a long journey, walking consistently with God, for it says, “Enoch walked with God three hundred years.” Enoch lived a powerful life. He was a man who walked in agreement with God’s will and lived a life pleasing to God (Hebrews 11:5).
It is one thing to know God’s will for our lives; it’s another to live in agreement with His will. In order to enjoy the best life that God has for us, we must first understand that God does not change, but we sometimes must. Let’s earnestly seek to know and agree with God’s will. The level of our agreement with God will determine the degree of closeness in our walk with Him.
Prayer Focus: Pray today that you can walk in agreement with God and enjoy the life He desires you to have in Christ.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, February 25, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Three
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week Three
- Making sure your attention is not required by anything else. For example, not driving a car, crossing a street, talking with someone else
- Consider finding a quiet place where you’re not likely to be interrupted. Awareness and attention are fleeting, jumping from one thing to another and one thought to another. So, a quiet place with few distractions seems to work best.
- Eliminate as many visual stimuli as possible as they tend to distract and draw our attention away.
- Use a timer to help you keep track of time
"Be still and know that I am God" is Psalm 46:10. This practice is one of repetition (chanting) and presence to the words of the biblical text. Chant — repetitive chant — creates space to let our spirit open deeply as we repeat words that enable us to get out of our heads and into our hearts.
- Start slowly with one tone and say the entire verse: “Be still and know that I am God.”
- Then take one long inhale and exhale
- Then repeat the scripture with the same tone but drop the last word. Say: “Be still and know that I am”
- Then take one long inhale and exhale
- Then repeat the scripture but drop the last phrase. Say: “Be still and know”
- Then take one long inhale and exhale
- Then repeat the scripture but drop the last phrase. Say: “Be still”
- Then take one long inhale and exhale
- Then simply say: “Be”
- Repeat this process at least twice and then simply “be” in the presence of God for 10 minutes.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Three
Joseph was born into a complex, blended family where Jacob, his father, his two wives, two concubines and their children, all live under one roof. Joseph was Jacob’s favored son. As a result, his brothers grew jealous, leading them to sell him to a merchant who took him to Egypt. For the next 13 years, Joseph lives first as a slave, and later, as a prisoner falsely accused of rape.
- Genesis 50:15-21
- Imagine yourself in Joseph’s shoes sitting in a prison cell without any hope of freedom. What thoughts, feeling or doubts might you have about your family? About yourself? About God?
- Through miraculous intervention, Joseph is pulled from the pit of prison and made the second most powerful person in Egypt. After their father dies, the brothers begin to worry. What assumptions are the brothers making about Joseph?
- Why do you think Joseph weeps?
- Joseph responded with forgiveness. How might you have responded if you were in Joseph’s position?
- Divide your journaling with three boxes. Journal about each question in the appropriate box.
- Box one: List the life messages you received from your parents (e.g. don’t be weak. Education is everything. You must achieve to be loved)
- Box two: List any “earthquake” events that sent “aftershocks” into your extended family (e.g. abuse, premature or sudden death/loss, divorces, shameful secrets, etc)
- Box three: Look at the first two boxes and summarize what messages about life/yourself/others you internalized. Fill those messages in the third box.
- How do these messages compare with messages about who you are and how life is to be lived in God’s family?
- What might be one specific message from your family that God is revealing to you today that you want to change?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Three
Psalm 42: Panting with the Deer
There are a lot of ways you can pray Scripture but the tradition of Lectio Divina uses the following four phases, these are the ones used in the classical Benedictine model established in the sixth century. Lectio offers a natural flow from one phase to the next rather than a lock-step march.
Phase One - Lectio: reading
What does the text say?
TURN to the text and read it several times slowly, gently, out loud. Savor the reading, feel the words in your mouth, listening for the “still, small voice” of a particular word or phrase that says, “I am for you today.”
Phase Two - Meditatio: meditation
What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life?
TAKE the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. Images are not necessarily distractions, but invitations into dialogue with God.
Phase Three - Oratio: prayer
What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text?
SPEAK to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Experience this God-breathed word or phrase as a means to bless and transform the thoughts and images that God’ Word has awakened in you. Give to God what you have found in your heart.
Phase Four - Contemplatio: contemplation
Being still, resting in God’s presence, and letting God work through your mind and heart.
REST for 10 minutes in God’s embrace. Let go of words and images. Rejoice that God is with you in silence, spiritual rest, and inner receptivity.
Monday, February 21, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Three
Fasting Removes Unbelief
Ask God to strengthen your heart to fully believe Him and His Word. It is okay to recognize and acknowledge if you struggle with unbelief. That’s the first step in allowing God to strengthen your faith and bring you into alignment with His plan for your life.
Prayer Focus: What do you need faith to believe for? Align yourself with God’s Word and will during this fast. Release your unbelief. Pray with confidence, knowing “nothing will be impossible” for you.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, February 18, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week Two
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week Two
- Making sure your attention is not required by anything else. For example, not driving a car, crossing a street, talking with someone else
- Consider finding a quiet place where you’re not likely to be interrupted. Awareness and attention are fleeting, jumping from one thing to another and one thought to another. So, a quiet place with few distractions seems to work best.
- Eliminate as many visual stimuli as possible as they tend to distract and draw our attention away.
- Use a timer to help you keep track of time
We want to build on our experience from last week by adding additional time and practice to this soul-training exercise. Once again we will begin with silence.
- Take a comfortable posture.
- Close your eyes.
- Try and attain stillness and silence of body and mind for a period of ten minutes.
- At the end of ten minutes, open your eyes.
- Close you eyes again and become aware of your wandering mind... for just two minutes...
- Now sense the silence that makes it possible for you to be aware of the wanderings of your mind...
- Close your eyes. Seek silence for another five minutes.
- At the end of the exercise note whether your attempts this time were more successful or less.
- Note whether silence revealed something to you this time that you failed to notice last time.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Two
In this famous story, the army of Israel faces the great army of the Philistines. For 40 days, Goliath, described as nine feet tall and dressed in powerful weaponry, challenges any Israelite soldier to come out and fight him. No one took him up on the challenge. We pick up the story after David hears, for the first time, Goliath’s humiliating challenge to Israel’s army.
- 1 Samuel 17:26-45
- What are some of the challenges, accusations and messages David is getting from the people around him?
- What feelings might you be experiencing if you were David?
- How does David live out his true self against he powerful forces and pressures that seek to mold him into someone he is not?
- What forces and pressures from circumstances and people cause you to shrink back in fear or “wear armor” that does not fit your true self? Many of us are so unaccustomed to distinguishing our true self from our false self that it may seem difficult to know where to begin. Try completing the following sentence as a first step: I am beginning to realize about myself...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week Two
Psalm 27: One Thing I Ask
There are a lot of ways you can pray Scripture but the tradition of Lectio Divina uses the following four phases, these are the ones used in the classical Benedictine model established in the sixth century. Lectio offers a natural flow from one phase to the next rather than a lock-step march.
Phase One - Lectio: reading
What does the text say?
TURN to the text and read it several times slowly, gently, out loud. Savor the reading, feel the words in your mouth, listening for the “still, small voice” of a particular word or phrase that says, “I am for you today.”
Phase Two - Meditatio: meditation
What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life?
TAKE the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. Images are not necessarily distractions, but invitations into dialogue with God.
Phase Three - Oratio: prayer
What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text?
SPEAK to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Experience this God-breathed word or phrase as a means to bless and transform the thoughts and images that God’ Word has awakened in you. Give to God what you have found in your heart.
Phase Four - Contemplatio: contemplation
Being still, resting in God’s presence, and letting God work through your mind and heart.
REST for 10 minutes in God’s embrace. Let go of words and images. Rejoice that God is with you in silence, spiritual rest, and inner receptivity.
Monday, February 14, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week Two
Tune In
In our hectic lives, there are so many signals bombarding our senses that it can become difficult to distinguish God’s voice from the deafening static noise of life. Fasting enables us to tune out the world’s distractions and tune in to God. As we fast, we deny our flesh. When we deny our flesh, we become more in tune to the Holy Spirit and can hear God’s voice more clearly. If you truly listen for God’s voice, you will hear it. And when you hear it, your faith will increase.
If you desire to tune out the static of life and really tune into the voice of God, come to Him first and foremost with ears willing to listen and a heart ready to obey what He says (Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 66:2). The more we practice being in His presence, the clearer and more recognizable His voice becomes.
Prayer Focus: In this time of fasting, what is your mind tuned to? What distractions do you need to remove so that you can focus on God? Prepare your heart to hear the voice of God, and ask Him to help you remove distractions that keep you from focusing on Him and hearing His voice clearly.
--adapted from Awakenings 2011 fasting devotional
Friday, February 11, 2011
REMEDY: Divine Hours for Week One
- Morning prayers, for prayer between 6 and 9;
- Midday prayers for praying between 11 and 2; and
- Evening prayers to pray between 5 and 8, and help us gently close the day.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week One
- Making sure your attention is not required by anything else. For example, not driving a car, crossing a street, talking with someone else
- Consider finding a quiet place where you’re not likely to be interrupted. Awareness and attention are fleeting, jumping from one thing to another and one thought to another. So, a quiet place with few distractions seems to work best.
- Eliminate as many visual stimuli as possible as they tend to distract and draw our attention away.
- Use a timer to help you keep track of time
We are accustomed to think of Scripture as the revelation of God. And so it is. We want now to discover the revelation that silence brings. To take in the revelation that Scripture offers, you must expose yourself to Scripture. To take in the revelation that silence offers you must first attain silence.
- Take a comfortable posture.
- Close your eyes.
- Try and attain stillness and silence of body and mind for a period of ten minutes.
- At the end of ten minutes, open your eyes.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
REMEDY Newsletter
REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week One
Saul, king of Israel, was instructed by God to fight and completely destroy the Amalekites. He succumbed, however, to the wishes of his fighting men and did only part of God’s will due to a lack of self-awareness (emotional health) and attentiveness toward God (contemplation).
- 1 Samuel 15:7-24
- Verse 11 describes God’s and Samuel’s response to Saul’s actions. What about their response impacts you?
- How does this differ from Saul’s response in verse 12 and 13?
- What might have been going on beneath the surface of Saul’s life that he was unaware of?
- What are some examples of how you go through the motions of making “burnt offerings” and “sacrifices” rather than “obeying the voice of the Lord?”
- What challenges keep you from slowing down your life to be with God?
- In what ways is your life out of balance between contemplation and activity?
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
REMEDY: Lectio Divina Practice for Week One
Psalm 1: Like a Tree
There are a lot of ways you can pray Scripture but the tradition of Lectio Divina uses the following four phases, these are the ones used in the classical Benedictine model established in the sixth century. Lectio offers a natural flow from one phase to the next rather than a lock-step march.
Phase One - Lectio: reading
What does the text say?
TURN to the text and read it several times slowly, gently, out loud. Savor the reading, feel the words in your mouth, listening for the “still, small voice” of a particular word or phrase that says, “I am for you today.”
Phase Two - Meditatio: meditation
What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life?
TAKE the word or phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories and ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. Images are not necessarily distractions, but invitations into dialogue with God.
Phase Three - Oratio: prayer
What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text?
SPEAK to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Experience this God-breathed word or phrase as a means to bless and transform the thoughts and images that God’ Word has awakened in you. Give to God what you have found in your heart.
Phase Four - Contemplatio: contemplation
Being still, resting in God’s presence, and letting God work through your mind and heart.
REST for 10 minutes in God’s embrace. Let go of words and images. Rejoice that God is with you in silence, spiritual rest, and inner receptivity.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
REMEDY: Fasting Practice for Week One
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping and mourning.”
Joel 2:12, NLT
Every wrong we have done and will do was forgiven at the cross.