Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday: A Day to Teach

Tuesday was a very busy day for Jesus during Holy Week. The Gospels record more activity this day then any other day during this week. He spent the day teaching in parables. The people heard parables about good and bad tenets, two sons, talents, 10 maidens and sheep and goats. (Read through Matthew 21, 22 and 25 to review the teaching of Jesus on this day) They watched Jesus reward a widow for her mighty "mite" offering, while rebuking the religious rich for their unbelievable stinginess.

The highlight of the day took place during the noon hour when Jesus joined Simon, a former leper, in his home for a meal. The meal was spectacularly interrupted by Mary's extravagant act of worship in washing the feet of Jesus with her tears, drying them with her hair, and anointing them with expensive perfume. Jesus was so moved by her act of worship that he pronounced that this act would be remembered throughout history.

When was the last time that you engaged in an extraordinary act of worship? What are some possible acts of worship in which we can engage during this Holy Week? What hinders are ability to engage in this kind of worship

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