Monday, April 30, 2007

Framing Adversity

How a picture is framed will determine the focus of the piece. Artist have always known this to be true. The same can be said of the Scripture's framing of adversity. Adversity, framed by the Scriptures, becomes the seedbed of opportunity. How have you experienced adversity as a seedbed of opportunity? What adversity are you facing now that needs to be re-framed by the Scriptures?


Unknown said...

I've struggled with an off-shoot of this issue. If I know the adversity is directly from God for character development, OK. Bring it, even. But what about adversity that's caused by my own poor decisions or my own sin?

Anonymous said...

Amy has a good point, only for me it's the other way around. If I think I did something to cause adversity in my life, I can deal with it because I feel like I deserve it. But if it's from God, I wonder, why me? An old friend once told me that the best way to get your mind off your problems is to pray for someone else's. It's a way of reframing things to see that you're not alone in facing adversity.

CrossPointeDave said...

Both of these are great responses! I tend to find myself with Christina on this one in that when I have brought the adversity on myself, I feel as though I deserve it and therefore endure it with much more patience. I will never be able to escape my question of "Why?" when it comes to adversity in my life. I am currently working my way through the book of Job for further perspective on this issue. Perhaps each of you might do the same.