Monday, April 02, 2007

The Final Week of Jesus

The final week of Jesus began just as the prophet Zechariah foretold. On the back of a donkey, along a quickly-formed parade route, in a carefully orchestrated political and religious statement. The mixture of enthusiasm, anticipation and excitement must have been contagious. The crowd gathering attracting even more spectators and participants. The sound of perhaps thousands chanting the Victor's song, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," filling the hillsides. Writer Scott Hagen puts it this way in Seven Days that Changed the World, "Before the next Sunday would arrive, the waving palms would be replaced by the pierced palms of a risen Savior. The final week was finally under way."

By the time the sun rose on Monday morning, the Hosanna cries of the people had long since faded. In it's place the hustle and bustle of business people preparing for the flood of people to Jerusalem for the passover. In short, the city was unaffected by the arrival of the Messiah King Jesus. It was business as usual until Jesus arrives at the Temple and witnesses firsthand the corruption of His Father's House. Jesus' response may be shocking to you.

Read Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-18 and Luke 19:45-48 to get the big picture of what happened. How might you have responded if you were one of Jesus' disciples? One of the vendors? A spectator? A Pharisee?

In what ways are you tempted to treat Holy Week as any other week in your life? Is there any significance to these events in your life? What can you do to change your perspective if a change of perspective is needed?

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