Thursday, March 24, 2011

REMEDY: Contemplation Practice for Week Seven

This exercise provides you one way to open yourself to God through praise. In the words of the contemporary Welsh poet, Bobbi Jones: "The most sound, complete, joyful thing we can do is praise God."

1. Raise your open hands to shoulder height (the traditional Hebraic prayer posture). Loosely hold them there as you take several long, slow breaths, opening your trust of God through all that is given.

2. Share the praise of one of the Psalms, such as 145 or 148, keeping your hands raised if it feels right to you as you speak, chant or listen to it.

3. Now remain in silence for about 10 minutes. As anything comes to mind, simply say, "thank you, God," and gently release it. Let this be your response to absolutely everything that appears to your consciousness, including judgments, images, resistance, confusion, sin, thoughts and sounds. Do not try for anything to come. Just be present in open appreciation of God in all that does come.

You may wish to close your time by singing a simple song of praise, such as an "Alleluia."

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