Wednesday, March 09, 2011

REMEDY: Journaling Practice for Week Five

Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief and Loss

A Deeper Look
The end of Jesus’ vibrant, popular, earthly life and ministry appeared to be an enormous loss to his disciples and followers. In this passage we will observe two very different approaches to that loss - the apostle Peter and Jesus.

  • Matthew 26:31-44
Here is a list of common defenses we often use to protect ourself from grief and loss:
denial, minimizing (admitting the loss but in such a way that it appears less serious than it actually is), blaming others or God, “over-spiritualizing,” blaming yourself, rationalizing (offering excuses and justification), intellectualizing (giving analysis and theories to avoid personal awareness or difficult feelings), distracting, becoming hostile and medicating (addictions).
  • Which defenses does Peter appear to use?
  • What defenses to you tend to use when dealing with loss and setbacks, and why?
Divide your journal into three columns (the far left being small, the other two equally sized) vertically and five equal sections horizontally. In the top left box write Ages 3-12, then label each box descending 13-18, 19-25, 25-40 and 40 and older, respectively.

In the first box to the right in each age range, write down any significant losses/disappointments you experienced. In the last box to the left in each age range, write down your response at that time. Do the same for each age range as you work down the page.

  • What was the experience of filling out the chart like for you?
  • Did it reveal anything new to you? Explain.
  • Are there any losses you have not yet embraced where new life is waiting to be birthed?
-- adapted from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workbook by Peter Scazzero

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